Look at this stunner loves!!! When she posted her Sneak Peek in the Michiana Boudoir Vixens Facebook Group (join here) she said “It was time to move out of my comfort zone and try something new, that I would have never done before. I am so happy I did! I never felt “pretty”. I’ve always been the smart, funny, and strong one. I am shocked to see how beautiful I am! Thanks Crystal! 😍”. I’ll have to admit those words totally touched my heart BUT but not nearly as much as the ones she posted after her Peepshow (order appointment).
“I saw my photos last night and teared up a bit. Crystal kept scrolling through and it was like looking at pictures for a perfume ad. Then it hit me, wait, that’s ME!?! Sometimes we allow people to determine our beauty. I have had a few toxic relationships and started to devalue myself. With every hurtful comment, I changed the picture of myself in my mind to reflect their attitudes. Crystal showed me no, this IS YOU. This is what she sees and what the world sees. Crystal thank you! From the bottom of my heart! In one hour, I released all of those thoughts and tossed them away. Today, I am walking around, and pausing at the mirror to check myself out. 😉Also, my thought patterns are positive self talk, “Damn girl, you’re hot today; those guys were idiots, look at what they missed out on; snap, my butt looks good today.” Crystal might have created a monster, but, it’s better then the alternative! ***ALL WOMEN MUST DO THIS!! YOU WON’T REGRET IT, EVER!***❤❤❤”.
I’m not crying, you are! Seriously loves, this is THE BEST JOB EVER!

Click here to book your Michiana Boudoir Session today, we’ve only got 1 Session left in the $100 off sale and December is booking up fast!